
Have something marvelous to say? Whether it’s poetry or prose, concerning arts or sciences, music, food, travel, math, hobbies, books, we love to read and share things that invite wonder into our lives. If you have an essay, poetry, short story, music, or art that you think would be a good fit for our magazine, please email it to


We accept original work on the arts, culture, education, the sciences, and more. We will always send confirmation that we have received your work for consideration, and a final verdict either way. We will not publish work with profanity.

Written submissions must include a title, up to 5000 words, and a short (2-4 sentence) bio. Any quotes or references should be properly credited, but we do not follow a specific writing format.

Visual arts submissions must include a title, jpeg file(s), a short paragraph to accompany each piece, either about your process, inspirations, media or vision for the work, and a short (2-4 sentence) bio.

Musical submissions must include a title, lyricist/textual credit where applicable, an indication of the size and instrumentation of the work, either a pdf copy of the sheet music (if you wish to provide the sheet music for readers to print and use themselves) or an mp3 or video recording of the piece for readers to listen to, as well as a short paragraph or two to accompany it, including a description of the work, and a short (2-4 sentence) bio. Please do not submit handwritten manuscripts or copyrighted texts/lyrics.

Please note that Mirabile Dictu is a Christian magazine—submissions that do not reflect the Christian worldview or values may not be considered for publication, in order to fulfill the expectations of our readers.